Saturday, 28 July 2012

Monochrome Highs

Hello Everyone,

Firstly I'd just like to announce that i've actually finished university! Not only that.. I Graduated with a First Class Honours Degree in Fashion with Photography. My gosh I had the biggest adrenalin high when I read that e-mail!
But anyway, I thought I better do an outfit post! This is an outfit thats has been sitting on my computer for a while. I love it purely for its simplicity, and noone could go wrong with this monochrome look. I've tried edgy looks with fussy garments and prints, but I find myself always going back to what I know looks alright on me.

I would also love to know what everyone does, or studies! I'm always looking for new projects and opportunities with people, plus i'm just generally interested! After all you definitely DONT have to study fashion to be fashionable!!!
Let me know

H oxo

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the Graduation!
    Lovely outfit post too x
