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Hi Everyone,
I've been absent because my Internet is down at home (BLOGGERS NIGHTMARE!) but thank god for technology in the form of the iPhone, so I can still keep up with you guys!
I thought I'd share with you my latest venture. I'm now a fashion blogger for Bonafide Supernova, a brilliant site for networking with other fashion forward individuals as well as source of fashion inspiration.
Each month I will produce an outfit post and article for them. I'm so excited because as a brand they really hold the same values as myself was it comes to combining business and fashion.
And thanks again to all of you for supporting my blog - as it's what's given me another amazing opportunity!
So check them out and ill let you know when my posts go up!
Hope all is well,
Holly x
(Here I am on there Facebook page - check it out too!)
Congratulations! Sounds super exciting :)
Maria C